Workout Routines
Robert Downey Jr. Workout Routine

What does Robert Downey Jr.’s workout routine look like?
Robert Downey Jr. is a popular movie star and the son of the famous Manhattan actor that shares the same name. As of today, Downey Jr. is best known for portraying the role of Iron Man. His acting stamina is enhanced by his amazing martial art skills.
He has influenced millions throughout his career and many of his admirers has often asked him to reveal the secrets of his strength.
Within this article, we’ll discuss Robert Downey Jr.’s workout routine, diet, and supplements:
Current Stats
- Height: 173 cm – 5′8″
- Weight: 78 kg – 172 pounds
- Age: 55 years old
- Birthday: 4th of April, 1965
- Accolades: MTV Movie Award for Best Hero, Winner, 2019
Workout Principles
Robert Downey Jr. has packed on a significant amount of muscle mass when he prepared for his role as Iron Man.
However, he is older than the rest of his co-stars which puts him at a significant disadvantage when it comes to building as much muscle mass and strength.
By establishing a workout regimen where the exercise selection was a bit functional, he managed to maximize his workout and his ability to recover as well.
Recommended Supplement Stack
Robert Downey Jr.’s Workout Routine
When it comes to his workout routine, he works out 3-5 days a week. When Downey Jr. prepared for his role in Iron Man he focused a lot on his diet habits.
In regards to his workout, he focuses on maximizing his time in the gym with limits isolation work and compound movements. This strategy has helped him to get a ripped body.
Here is Robert Downey Jr.’s workout routine:
Monday: Lower Body
On Monday, Robert Downey Jr. performs a lower body routine by doing 10 different exercises.
Here is Robert Downey Jr.’s lower body routine:
1. Band Squat (4 sets, 8-12 reps)
2. Hamstring Curl (4 sets, 8-12 reps)
3. Leg Press (4 sets, 8-12 reps)
4. Suspension Trainer Lunge (3 sets, 15 – 20 reps)
5. Suspension Trainer Superman Squat (3 sets, 15 reps)
6. Romanian Deadlift (3 sets, 8 -10 reps)
7. Sandbag Squat (3 sets, 8 -10 reps)
8. Crunches (3 sets, 25 reps)
9. Leg Lifts (25 reps)
10. Flutter Kicks (25 reps)
Tuesday: Yoga and Meditation
On Tuesday, Downey Jr. hits yoga or meditation.
Wednesday: Full Body
On Wednesday, he performs a full-body routine by doing a total of 10 exercises.
Here is Robert Downey Jr.’s full-body routine:
1. Air Squats (4 sets, 8-12 reps)
2. Bench Press (4 sets, 8-12 reps)
3. Lateral Pull Downs (4 sets, 8-12 reps)
4. Arnold Presses (3 sets, 10-12 reps)
5. Calf Raises (3 sets, 15 reps)
6. Straight Leg Deadlift (3 sets, 8 -10 reps)
7. Pull-Ups (3 sets, 8 -10 reps)
8. Crunches (3 sets, 25 reps)
9. Leg Lifts (3 sets, 25 reps)
10. Flutter Kicks (3 sets, 25 reps)
Thursday: Yoga and Meditation
On Thursday, Downey Jr. has another day of yoga and meditation.
Friday: Upper Body
On Friday, he performs an upper-body routine by doing 14 different exercises for an average of 3 sets and 12 reps.
Here is Robert Downey Jr.’s upper body routine:
1. Weighted Pull-up (3 sets, 8 -12 reps)
2. Weighted Dip (3 sets, 8-12 reps)
3. Swiss Ball Bench Press (3 sets, 8-12 reps)
4. Low Row (3 sets, 8-12 reps)
5. Continuous Tension DB Shoulder Press (3 sets, 8-12 reps)
6. Bosu Ball Pushup (3 sets, 15-20 reps)
7. Suspension Trainer Pushup (3 sets – Failure)
8. Suspension Trainer Row (3 sets – Failure
9. Lateral/Front Shoulder Raise (3 sets, 8-12 reps)
10. Kettlebell Swing (3 sets, 40 reps)
11. Sand Bag Power Throw (3 sets, 12-15 reps)
12. Crunches (3 sets, 25 reps)
13. Leg Lifts (3 sets, 25 reps)
14. Flutter Kicks (3 sets, 25 reps)
Saturday and Sunday: Rest
On Sunday, Robert Downey Jr. has a day off from his workout.
Robert Downey Jr.’s Diet
Robert Downey Jr. consumes an average of 3500 calories daily and he mostly eats carbohydrates to increase his calorie intake.
The beverage is also important, and he likes drinks increased water, coffee, and green tea. As of this year, he prefers to eat plant-based food.
Here is Robert Downey Jr.’s diet:
1. Breakfast
Two eggs that are scrambled or boiled to reduce fat intake, two bread slices, three tomato pieces, and skimmed milk
2. Lunch
Two whole bread slices, salad from oz chicken with mayonnaise, unsweetened coffee or tea, and green leafy vegetables
3. Dinner
Carrots, broccoli, green beans, and lean pork, fish, beef or chicken
Robert Downey Jr. uses the following supplements to help fuel his gains.
Robert Downey Jr. is an American actor, singer, and producer who has been named by Time magazine as the 100 most influential people in the world.
From 2013 to 2015, he was listed by Forbes as Hollywood’s highest-paid actor. Downey Jr.’s movies have grossed over $14.4 billion worldwide.
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