Workout Routines
Ezra Miller Workout Routine

What does Ezra Miller’s workout routine look like?
Ezra Miller is an American actor who gained recognition for roles in Afterschool (2008), We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011), and The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012).
It wasn’t long before Ezra was back on the big screen, co-starring in The Stanford Prison Experiment and Trainwreck in 2015.
They next starred as Credence Barebone and Aurelius Dumbledore in the Fantastic Beasts films before suiting up as The Flash in the DC Extended Universe.
Ezra’s variety of action roles requires dedicated training and healthy eating. While you may not need to bulk up for a big superhero role, you can still make the most of this go-to Ezra Miller workout and diet plan.
Within this article, we’ll discuss Ezra Miller’s workout routine, diet, and supplements. We’ve thoroughly researched Ezra’s diet and exercise regime, but this article is not their exact workout routine.
It provides an idea of what Ezra does when training for a role based on interviews, personal commentary, and information from trainers.
Current Stats
- Height: 5′ 11″ – 180 cm
- Weight: 165 pounds – 75 kg
- Age: 29 years old
- Birthday: September 30, 1992
- Accolades: 2011 Hamptons International Film Festival – Breakthrough Performer for Another Happy Day, 2012 Hollywood Film Festival – Spotlight Award for The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Workout Principles
With 15 years in the entertainment industry, Ezra Miller is no stranger to high-intensity weight training and a disciplined lifestyle.
To maintain the lean, athletic build of The Flash superhero in Justice League, Ezra follows a dedicated fitness routine alternating between strength training and cardio workouts.
Whether it’s a brisk walk or an explosive cardio routine, Ezra gets moving every day to burn body fat and boost upper body muscles.
Ezra Miller’s Workout Routine
Ezra Miller has years of experience training for superhero roles and action films, so their fitness routine includes a high-intensity workout several times a week.
Regular strength training and cardio sessions make a big difference to Ezra’s workout routine and diet plan, helping to maintain the lean body you’d expect for a superhero.
Here is Ezra Miller’s workout routine.
Monday – Chest
- Chest press (3 sets, 8 reps)
- Incline dumbbell press (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Incline chest fly (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Tricep cable pushdowns (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Cable crossover (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Skull crushers (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Close grip bench (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Decline bench press (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Chest dips (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Incline push-ups (2 sets, 10 reps)
- Resistance band pullover (2 sets, 10 reps)
Tuesday – Biceps
- Dumbbell bicep curl (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Lateral pulldowns (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Cable rows (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Cable curls (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Hammer curls (3 sets, 8 reps)
- Pull-ups (2 sets, 10 reps)
- Barbell curls (3 sets, 8 reps)
- Preacher curls (3 sets, 8 reps)
- Deadlifts (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Reverse-grip barbell row (3 sets, 8 reps)
Wednesday – Light Cardio
- Stretching warm-up (5 minutes)
- Jogging warm-up (10 minutes)
- Step touches (1 minute)
- Side lunges and reach (1 minute)
- Squat kicks (1 minute)
- Side knee with side kick (1 minute)
- Russian twists (1 minute)
- Jogging with high knees (30 seconds)
- Cardio bike (10 minutes)
- Stretching cooldown (5 minutes)
Thursday – Shoulders
- Military press (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Shoulder flys (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Pull-ups (3 sets, 12 reps)
- Barbell shrugs (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Barbell overhead press (3 sets, 8 reps)
- Arnold press (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Shoulder front raises (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Dumbbell shrugs (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Bottoms-up kettlebell press (3 sets, 8 reps)
- Leaning lateral raise (3 sets, 8 reps)
Friday – Legs
- Unweighted squats (3 sets, 12 reps)
- Weighted squats (3 sets, 12 reps)
- Calf raises (3 sets, 15 reps)
- Donkey kick (3 sets, 12 reps)
- Front squats (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Goblet squats (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Weighted lunges (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Weighted step-ups (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Plank with leg lift (3 sets, 8 reps)
- Hamstring curls (3 sets, 10 reps)
Saturday – Full Cardio
- Stretching warm-up (5 minutes)
- Jogging warm-up (10 minutes)
- Froggy jumps (2 sets, 10 reps)
- Mountain climbers (60 seconds)
- Squat kicks (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Burpees (2 sets, 8 reps)
- Squat jumps (2 sets, 15 reps)
- Jumping jacks (3o seconds)
- Plyo lunges (30 seconds)
- Plank (30 seconds)
- Jogging with high knees (30 seconds)
- Side to side jumping lunges (2 sets, 15 reps)
- Elliptical (10 minutes)
- Stretching cooldown (5 minutes)
Sunday – Rest Day
After sticking to a hardcore workout routine and diet all week, Ezra takes a rest day on Sunday for muscle recovery.
Video games, music, and travel are some of Ezra’s hobbies to explore outside the gym, and a Sunday rest day is the perfect opportunity.
Otherwise, a good night of sleep and a leisurely stroll or swim is about all on the agenda to wrap up the weekend and ensure Ezra is ready to get back on set.
Ezra Miller’s Diet
By eating many calories and staying super clean, Ezra achieves a lean body shape to stay prepped for whatever project comes next.
Five meals a day with high nutritional value and no junk food help Ezra make the most of their body metabolism rate and look the part of The Flash superhero.
Here is Ezra Miller’s diet:
1. Breakfast
- Two boiled egg whites
- Natural orange juice
2. Snack
3. Lunch
- Grilled chicken breast
- Brown rice
- Veggie salad
4. Snack
5. Dinner
- Lean turkey or salmon
- Salad
Ezra Miller backs up a healthy diet and dedicated workout routine with popular supplements like:
Actor Ezra Miller follows a high intensity routine to stay in great shape for Justice League, Suicide Squad, and The Flash.
A dedicated mix of weight training and cardio combined with a healthy diet helps Ezra maintain big biceps and a toned core.
You can follow the Ezra Miller workout routine and diet to achieve similar results toning your body and maintaining a trim, muscular shape.