Workout Routines
Kevin Durant Workout Routine

What does Kevin Durant’s workout routine look like?
Kevin Durant is a professional American basketball player who was the major pick for Oklahoma City Thunders. Durant is known for being one of the best NBA players in the world.
He has incredible agility and strength and his accolades feature NBA Most Valuable Player, NBA Rookie Of The Year, NBA Champion, and much more.
Within this article, we’ll discuss Kevin Durant’s workout routine, diet, and supplements:
Current Stats
- Height: 208 cm – 6’10”
- Weight: 109 kg – 240 pounds
- Age: 31 years old
- Birthday: 29th of September, 1988
- Accolades: NBA Most Valuable Player Award, Winner, 2014
Workout Principles
Kevin Durant’s trainer always focuses to make sure that Durant performs the right exercises. The legs are the best source of energy for basketball players who are lunging, jumping, or squatting.
Some of Durant’s favorite routines include the famous medicine ball and cardio.
Recommended Supplement Stack
Kevin Durant Workout Routine
It is of prime importance that as a basketball player, Durant has formidable core strength, agility, and balance. Consequently, his workouts are designed to develop both mobility and strength.
His workout also involves concentrating on shooting drills.
Here is Kevin Durant’s workout routine:
Mobility Training
This routine features 3 different exercises.
Here is Kevin Duran’s mobility routine:
1.Thoracic spine extension (2 sets, 30 reps)
2.Rotational Med Ball Throws (3 sets, 8 reps)
3.Split-Stance Overhead core matrix
- Forward
- Rotational
- Lateral
Strength Training
On this strength routine, Durant hits 10 different exercises with an average of 3 sets and 8 reps.
Here is Kevin Durant’s strength routine:
1. Three-Way Med Ball Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift on Airex Pad (2 sets, 5-7 reps)
2. Basic Med ball Single Romanian Deadlift (3-4 sets, 8-10 reps)
3. Inverted Row on Physioball with TRX Straps (3-4 sets, 8-10 reps)
4. Basic Inverted Row (3-4 sets, 8-10 reps)
5. Single-leg dumbbell-to-press (3-4 sets, 6-8 reps)
6. Basic Overhead Press (3-4 sets, 6-8 reps)
7. Walking dumbbell push up-to-row (3-4 sets, 6-8 reps)
8. Basic Dumbbell Row from Push-Up Position (3-4 sets, 6-8 reps)
9. Med Ball Multi-Planar Lunge on Core Board (3-4 sets, 10-12 reps)
10. Basic Med ball Multi-Planar Lunge (3-4 sets, 10-12 reps)
Shooting Drills
On this shooting drills routine, Kevin Durant performs 10 different exercises.
Here is Kevin Durant’s shooting drills routine:
1. Attack Help Defender
2. Freeze Pull-Ups
3. Hesitate On Drive to Attack
4. Pick and Pop
5. Catch and Shoot
6. Post Up
7. Dribble Drag to Crossover
8. Early Offense Duck In
9. Counter
10. Cross-Screen to Pick and Roll
Kevin Durant Diet
Kevin Durant regularly eats healthy and organic food that is rich in nutrients.
It’s important as an athlete to never miss a meal and it’s also important to add a small meal in between the major meals. Durant eats a lot of fruits and salads.
Here is Kevin Durant’s diet:
1. Breakfast
- 2 egg whites
- 1 whole egg omelet
- Spinach
- Tomato
- Fresh fruit
2. Lunch
- Grilled Salmon
- Cucumber yogurt dressing
- Brown rice pilaf
- Sautéed spinach
3. Dinner
- Grilled chicken
- Roasted vegetables,
- Fruit smoothie
Kevin Durant uses the following supplements to help fuel his gains:
- Fish Oil
- Protein Shakes
Kevin Durant was selected as the second overall pick by the Seattle SuperSonics in 2007. Durant is today regarded as one of the best NBA players in the league.
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