Workout Routines
Halle Berry Workout Routine

Halle Berry is an American actor, best known for her performance in ‘Monster’s Ball.’ She was a fashion model and had participated in several beauty contests before becoming an actor.
Berry was offered a minor role in Spike Lee’s film ‘Jungle Fever.’ Subsequently, she won the hearts of many with her dedication and commitment towards her work.
She became known as an artist who puts her heart and soul into whatever she does. Her hard work and devotion helped her reach superstardom, a status that had evaded female actors of African American origin.
Within this article, we’ll discuss Halle Berry’s workout routine, diet, and supplements:
Current Stats
Height: 1- .66 cm 5′ 5”
Weight: 55 kg – 121 pounds
Age: 53 years old
Birthday: 14th of August, 1966
Accolades: Silver Bear for Best Actress, Winner, 2002
Workout Principles
When discussing how she stays in shape, Berry has repeated one piece of advice: Continue to mix up your workouts to challenge your muscles.
Berry is always pushing her limits, whether that means boxing, trying new exercises that shock her system, or training for a role in a movie.
Halle Berry’s Workout Routine
While you should try to continuously switch things up, that doesn’t mean you should avoid old-school exercises. Berry doesn’t call for using fancy gym equipment either.
Berry states that she gets physical activity everyday for at least 30 minutes. This will include cardio, or simply getting active.
Here is Halle Berry’s workout routine:
Monday: Cardio and Circuit
On Monday, he performs a cardio and circuit routine by doing 6 different exercises.
Here’s Halle Berry’s cardio and circuit routine:
1. 20 minutes of treadmill
1. Jump Squats (5 sets, 10 reps)
2. 25 Mountain Climbers (5 sets, 25 reps)
3. 25 Leg Raises (5 sets, 25 reps)
4. 25 Flutter Kicks (5 sets, 25 reps)
5. 10 Lunges (5 sets, 10 reps)
Tuesday: Activity Day
On Tuesday, Halle Berry has an activity day.
Wednesday: Cardio and Circuit
On Wednesday, Halle Berry performs cardio and circuit with a total of 3 sets and 20 reps.
Here’s Halle Berry’s cardio and circuit routine:
1. 20 minutes of elliptical
3 Rounds:
1. 400m jog (3 sets)
2. Burpees (3 sets, 20 reps)
3. Clean and Presses (3 sets, 15 reps)
4. Box Jumps (3 sets, 10 reps)
Thursday: Activity Day
On Thursday, she has another activity day, where she does some yoga or play sports.
Friday: Cardio and Circuit
On Friday, she performs a cardio and circuit routine again.
Here’s Halle Berry’s cardio and circuit routine:
1. 20 minutes of bike
1 Round:
1. 70 calorie row
2. V-Ups (1 set, 60 reps)
3. Step-Ups (1 set, 50 reps)
4. Jump Squats (1 set, 40 reps)
5. Knee Push-Ups (1 set, 30 reps)
6. Burpees (1 set, 20 reps)
7. Pistol Squats (1 set, 10 reps)
Saturday and Sunday: Rest
On Saturday and Sunday, she rests and recovers.
Halle Berry’s Diet
Halle Berry started the keto diet in hopes it would help manage her type 2 diabetes, and credits the high-fat, low-carb eating plan with slowing down her aging process.
Here is Halle Berry’s diet:
1. Breakfast:
Omelet, bread, vitamins
2. Lunch:
Grass-fed beef, greens
3. Dinner:
Chicken, green salad, lentils
Halle Berry uses the following supplements to help fuel her gains:
- Multivitamin
- Magnesium
Halle Berry just might be the fittest woman in Hollywood – and she’s in her 50s. While the actress has been vocal about the fact that she works hard for her body, she’s also passionate about sharing her fitness and diet tips with fans, one of her best advice is “embrace your body”.